John Rogers

John Rogers
John Rogers
John Rogers

John is a full-time UK-based freelance content writer who enjoys writing on a broad array of topics from travel to real estate, from project management principles to mental health. After being diagnosed bi-polar in 2019, he continues to learn about mental health and likes to share his own experiences with those that also battle mental health conditions. Away from work, John has two children and enjoys independent cinema, reading, history, craft ale and being by the sea.

A woman holding up a small red heart.
Jul 31, 2023

Although there is an increasing awareness of maintaining good mental health, there remains a vast gap between how physical and mental health conditions are viewed. With most physical health conditions being ‘visible,’ it is...

Although there is an increasing awareness of maintaining good mental health, there remains a vast gap between how physical and mental health conditions are viewed. With most physical health conditions being ‘visible,’ it is easy for others to make allowances and adjustments compared to...

A man sitting with his head in his hands, experiencing a depressive episode.
Jul 31, 2023

During our lifetimes, we will all experience spells where we feel sad, melancholy and unhappy. A prolonged period of low mood is known as a depressive episode and can be symptomatic of somebody experiencing...

During our lifetimes, we will all experience spells where we feel sad, melancholy and unhappy. A prolonged period of low mood is known as a depressive episode and can be symptomatic of somebody experiencing depression. Something to help with that can be Auvelity, a...

A person struggling to sleep, sitting up and holding their neck.
Jul 31, 2023

Anxiety and insomnia are inextricably linked. Excess worry often manifests during evenings, making falling and remaining asleep more difficult, while sleep deprivation can worsen anxiety. This negative cycle can significantly impact someone’s overall mental...

Anxiety and insomnia are inextricably linked. Excess worry often manifests during evenings, making falling and remaining asleep more difficult, while sleep deprivation can worsen anxiety. This negative cycle can significantly impact someone’s overall mental health. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health...