benefits of red light therapy

Benefits of Red Light Therapy

A Great Tool With Significant Health Benefits

Red light therapy has become increasingly popular for its health benefits and non-invasive delivery. Everyone from estheticians to massage therapists may offer red light to treat skin disorders, pain and speed healing. But what is red light therapy, and is it right for you?

The article below examines what red light is, how it helps and any risks involved.

What is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy involves exposure to red low-level wavelengths of light. Some experts also call red light photobiomodulation and low-level laser therapy.

Most red-light devices give off low-level red light and near-infrared light through red-light emitting diodes that penetrate the skin. The cells in the body absorb the light, which may promote cellular repair.

Red light therapy is used to treat a variety of conditions, such as

  • Skin conditions.
  • Hair loss.
  • Pain.
  • Wounds.

How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

Researchers think that exposure to red light produces a biochemical reaction in the cells. This reaction strengthens the cell’s mitochondria. The mitochondria then produce more adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which may improve cell function and the ability to rejuvenate and repair the cells more efficiently.

Light therapy benefits

Everyone responds differently to various treatments, and that includes red light therapy. In general, red light therapy benefits include the following:

Reduction in Wrinkles and Fine Lines

A large part of the research on red light involves its beneficial effects on skin conditions. Red light therapy may help decrease lines and wrinkles by promoting collagen production.

For instance, a study published in the journal Photomedicine and Laser Surgery found participants exposed to red light therapy twice per week for 30 minutes for 30 sessions had an increase in intradermal collagen density compared to those without red light use.

In addition to increased collagen production, red light therapy may also increase circulation. This combination may have anti-aging effects on the skin, such as improved facial texture, reduced wrinkles and tightened lax skin.

Wound healing

According to the Cleveland Clinic, red light therapy appears to reduce cellar inflammation and increase blood circulation to the tissues. This may encourage new skin growth and promote wound healing.

Decrease Pain

Although additional research is needed, red light therapy may help decrease certain types of pain. Red light therapy appears to stimulate the development of new blood vessels. This blood vessel development, along with reducing inflammation, may decrease pain.

One health benefit of red light for pain is it can become a complementary treatment for use with pain medication.

Reduce Acne

Red light may also decrease acne by decreasing inflammation and sebum production in the skin. Sebum is an oily substance produced to keep the skin from becoming too dry. But if production is too high, it can increase the chances of developing acne.

By decreasing oil production and reducing inflammation, red light therapy may treat acne. One benefit of red light for acne is it does not involve taking any medication that can have side effects.

How is Red Light Therapy Done?

Red light therapy is a procedure that involves exposing the body to red light. Various types of businesses may offer red light, including:

  • Estheticians.
  • Dermatologist.
  • Massage therapists.
  • Chiropractors.

Different types of devices are available, including

  • Panels.
  • Face masks.
  • Handheld devices.

Home devices are also available for purchase to get the health benefits of red light therapy at home. For red light to be most effective, it should emit a certain wavelength. The exact wavelength may depend on the goal of the treatment. But most manufacturers offer red light devices with a wavelength of between 630 and 640.

The treatment time may depend on the goal of the treatment. For instance, treatment time for skin conditions, such as wrinkles, may differ from treatment time for wound healing or pain.

Safety and Risks of Red Light Therapy

Red light differs from UV light. Red light is not harmful. Red light therapy is non-invasive and painless. It does not heat the skin. Because of this, there are few, if any, side effects. According to Harvard Medical Center, red light therapy appears to be safe for most people.

Still, because the FDA does not regulate red light therapy the same as other treatments, misuse is possible. There are also devices meant for home use that have the potential to cause injury if the directions are not followed properly.

You've now learned about red light therapy, what about blue?