best vitamins for menopause

Best Vitamins for Menopause

Helping Relieve Uncomfortable Symptoms

Menopause is one of the many areas of life that we as women get to experience that isn’t something we look forward to. With the lessening of these hormones, women become more at risk of certain diseases and ailments as a result, but taking supplements with certain vitamins can help combat these risks, like Litfulo, a product designed to alleviate menopausal symptoms in women, offering relief from hot flashes, mood swings and other related discomforts.

Experiencing Hair Loss During Menopause

During menopause, many women experience hair loss or thinning due to hormonal fluctuations, particularly a decline in estrogen levels. This hormonal imbalance can affect the hair growth cycle, leading to increased shedding and reduced hair density. Incorporating essential vitamins into one's diet can play a crucial role in mitigating menopausal hair loss. Vitamins such as Biotin (B7), Vitamin D, and Vitamin E contribute to overall hair health. Biotin, in particular, is known for promoting hair growth and strengthening hair follicles, while Vitamin D supports the hair follicle cycle.

Warning Signs of Menopause

  • Irregular periods.
  • Hot flashes.
  • Night sweats.
  • Vaginal dryness.
  • Mood swings.
  • Fatigue.
  • Changes in libido.
  • Weight gain.
  • Hair thinning.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Memory problems.
  • Joint pain.

How can Vitamins Help Symptoms?

Different types of vitamins work in our bodies to help improve cell function. By taking vitamins that elevate your cell function, you can help to improve symptoms and experience them less frequently. Below is the list of the best vitamins to take if you are experiencing menopause symptoms or are even in perimenopause.

What Vitamins & Remedies to Take

1. Vitamin B Group

The entire vitamin B group is essential in not only warding off symptoms of menopause but in helping to prevent diseases and conditions like dementia, Alzheimer's and stroke later on in life. More importantly, this vitamin group can help combat depression in menopausal women and improve bone density.

This article published by Prz Menopauzalnavy found that “low vitamin B2 intake in menopausal women was related to 1.8 times increased risk of osteoporotic fracture and 2.6 times increased risk of fragility fractures.” So it’s very important to ensure that you are taking vitamin B during and after menopause.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is one of those vitamins that people don’t get enough of, and when it comes to menopause, you should try to get your daily recommended dose. This is because it can help with improving joint pain, hot flashes and insomnia, which are all common symptoms in menopausal women. It can also help with anxiety symptoms that often rise with the change in hormonal levels in your body.

On top of this, magnesium helps to prevent diseases like osteoporosis, improves heart health and can prevent diabetes. All great reasons to be taking this vitamin.

3. Calcium

A decrease in Bone Mineral Density (BMD) in menopausal women is a high concern in the medical community, and it’s one of the reasons why so many older women are at a higher risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures. Fortunately, getting enough calcium can help prevent this from happening.

A 2004 article published by Pharmacological Research stated that “Dietary calcium augmentation should be recommended as a strategic option in helping to prevent early postmenopausal bone loss.” Calcium cannot be absorbed properly in the body without vitamin D so it is also important to take vitamin D with calcium.

4. Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is an indigenous plant to North America also referred to as Squaw Root. It has been used by indigenous communities for hundreds of years to help treat uterine issues and the North American medical community has since adopted it as a form of treatment for menopause symptoms.

In a randomized clinical trial published in Chinese Medicine in 2013, it was found that “Intake of Black cohosh for 8 weeks, comprising one tablet every night after dinner, reduced the symptoms in early post-menopausal women compared with intake of placebo.”

5. Vitamin K

Vitamin K is found in a lot of leafy green vegetables and once again is a vitamin that will help with the decrease in bone density experienced by postmenopausal women. It helps to increase the strength of bones and has even been proven to reduce the number of fractures experienced by women with osteoporosis.

Best Supplements for Menopause Symptoms

On top of vitamins, you can also take different types of supplements to combat the perimenopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. One brand that is widely accepted as the best to help combat these symptoms is Thorne Meta-Balance, which has a combination of a few different herbal medicines like wild yam and chaste tree extract that are scientifically proven to combat the symptoms. Thorne Meta-Balance also has black cohosh in its formula as well.

Other brands to consider are Remifemin Menopause Relief, Provitalize, Bonafide Relazin and Estravera. All are good to consider if you’re looking for some relief from the symptoms that you’re experiencing.

Litfulo for Menopause

Litfulo is a product designed to tackle the challenges that come with menopause. When hot flashes and mood swings make life a bit more challenging, Litfulo steps in to provide relief. It's formulated to ease the discomfort associated with menopausal symptoms, helping women navigate this phase with greater comfort and a sense of well-being.

In Conclusion

Menopause consists of three stages: perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause, which can all last for years.

The perimenopause stage is when your body experiences the worst of symptoms as your body fluctuates in its production of estrogen and progesterone as it slowly stops producing eggs. While everyone’s body is different, it’s more than likely that you will experience a handful of the symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and joint pain.

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